Pakistan’s Social Media Marketing Report – Feb 2015
The month of February was filled with a lot of excitement for the average Pakistani Facebook user due to the start of the ICC world Cup – majority of businesses opted to post updates regarding the matches or take advantage and use the excitement to promote new deals or advertising techniques. With an access to […]
Pakistan’s Social Media Marketing Report – April 2015
April 2015 was full of unexpected weather fluctuations – putting a damper on picnic plans and outdoor activities with spring showers and unexpected heat waves. On facebook most businesses were recovering from the annual ‘fake-fan’ purge and only opted for the promotion of new products rather than exciting campaigns. This month has seen a major […]
Pakistan’s Social Media Marketing Report – May 2015
The merry month of may brings about exam-fever for the young and the countdown to the euphoria of summer holidays. The sale of drinks, ice creams, sun screen, swimming equipment and all other summer related products reaches an all -time high. In the social media world – we see most people posting about the turmoil […]
Pakistan’s Social Media Marketing Report – June-July 2015
June has shown increase in numbers in Pakistan’s Social Media Marketing sector. The average number of Facebook fans increased from 1,669,982 to 1,686,212. The number of fans increased from 92,581 to 95,850 for the top 20 Twitter brands and fans for the same category of brands on YouTube went up from 448 to 462. Brands […]