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Pakistan’s Social Media Marketing Snapshot – April 2014

April 2014 was a spirited month for Pakistan’s social media scene. Facebook remained the most important social media site for major brands, with the average number of Facebook fans (for top 20 brands) being 1,305,206 more than the average number of Twitter followers. The Facebook industry giants witnessed the triumph of Fashion brands with over […]

Pakistan’s Social Media Marketing Report – Feb 2015

The month of February was filled with a lot of excitement for the average Pakistani Facebook user due to the start of the ICC world Cup – majority of businesses opted to post updates regarding the matches or take advantage and use the excitement to promote new deals or advertising techniques. With an access to […]

Pakistan’s Social Media Marketing Report – April 2015

April 2015 was full of unexpected weather fluctuations – putting a damper on picnic plans and outdoor activities with spring showers and unexpected heat waves. On facebook most businesses were recovering from the annual ‘fake-fan’ purge and only opted for the promotion of new products rather than exciting campaigns. This month has seen a major […]

Pakistan Social Media Marketing Annual Report 2015

With the end of 2015 upon us, we looked back on the field of social media in Pakistan and were happy to see that it reflected the global trend of being much more than just social. From e-commerce to politics to natural disasters, social networks have played their role in keeping people informed and educated […]

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