A Recap On Ramadan Ads That Caught Our Eye
The holy month of Ramadan was bestowed upon us like it is each year and ended with the celebratory occasion of Eid. While Ramadan is the month of blessings, it is also the month of massive consumerism, which sees an increase in the purchase of ordinary goods as well as spending on seasonal brands. It […]
14th of August from the Brand’s view
Every year, the nation celebrates the independence of Pakistan from the British rule and the formation of our own country. The flag is hoisted, green is spread all over with people adding the colour to their attire for the day, to painting their faces. Public holidays and unique occasions are a great reason to spice […]
Career Suicide Hotline
Operator: Career Suicide Hotline. How may I assist you today? Creative Director: Hi, I’m about to present a concept to the client tomorrow. It’s really catchy. Operator: That’s amazing. Creative Director: I’m just a little worried because it might be perceived as a copy. I actually thought of it while looking for reference ads on […]