My Data Is Bigger Than Yours
Furious over how some marketers just don’t get it, I was trying to reason with this client on why we had to do something about the social obesity of their digital assets. They just couldn’t get over the fact that I called their Facebook page “FAT”. “But our engagement rate is through the roof” he […]
What Happens When Trust Decreases over Digital Media?
Every relationship is built on trust. You won’t listen to somebody if you don’t think they’re credible, you won’t buy a product if you don’t believe in it and you will never read from a source you firmly think is fake. In the evolving digital landscape, content is strewn all over the internet. This makes […]
OREO Pakistan #back2schoolwithOreo digital campaign
Oreo, Continental Biscuits Limited’s (CBL) flagship brand, launched a digital marketing campaign called ‘Back2SchoolwithOreo in July, with an aim to increase brand recall by motivating students to prepare for school with the help of an Oreo Kit. The concept of the campaign is that heading back to school is not always easy, but it can […]