user Posted By PAS
time November 29 2016
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Home Knowledge Articles Data Quality Becomes a Top Concern for Marketers

Data Quality Becomes a Top Concern for Marketers

Poor-quality intelligence leads to lost sales, inefficiency!

More organizations have come to rely on data-driven decision-making to drive their strategies. But even as this data-driven approach grows, many executives worry that the data they’re using is not as accurate as it could be, creating unexpected consequences.


According to July 2016 research by Loudhouse Research for a study published by Experian Data Quality, bad quality data can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line. More than half (56%) of the UK and US executives surveyed said bad data had contributed to lost sales opportunities for their firms, while 51% also said bad data had led to wasted time and increasing company inefficiency.

Despite the fact that many executives believe bad quality data has had a negative impact on their organizations, many aren’t confident they have the resources to fix the problem. In the same Experian study, 40% of respondents said they lacked the funds to build a business case that would emphasize the importance of quality data. Another third of those queried said they didn’t have the proper knowledge or skills to do so.


As organizations think about how to improve their data collection and analysis efforts, some marketers say that the best approach is to utilize a mix of in-house and outsourced resources. According to a November 2015 survey from Ascend2, nearly 70% of marketing professionals polled worldwide said they used just such a mix to improve their data quality.




















Reference: EMarketer

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