My Data Is Bigger Than Yours
Furious over how some marketers just don’t get it, I was trying to reason with this client on why we had to do something about the social obesity of their digital assets. They just couldn’t get over the fact that I called their Facebook page “FAT”. “But our engagement rate is through the roof” he […]
The Dumb Question
I’ve previously written about how important it is to adapt and evolve. To be honest, I thought most advertisers had adapted to the new and improved (not-as-dumb-as-I-may-look) consumer. I believed the era of “my brand’s consumer won’t be able to understand this” was over. Back in the day when someone said that you would even […]
Marketing in Tough Economic Times
There are two kinds of marketing people in Pakistan. The fake marketers who will blame the outside world; political and economic environment for the brand and business slowdown; and the real marketers who love any brand and business challenge and will create marketing plans and ideas to make their brand swim past any storm. Marketing […]
What Happens When Trust Decreases over Digital Media?
Every relationship is built on trust. You won’t listen to somebody if you don’t think they’re credible, you won’t buy a product if you don’t believe in it and you will never read from a source you firmly think is fake. In the evolving digital landscape, content is strewn all over the internet. This makes […]