Home Events Creating a Winning PR Strategy

Creating a Winning PR Strategy
by Kerry Savage

Date & Place


Icon  Karachi

━━━━ Snapshot

As the lines between the role of marketing and PR in social media continue to be blurred, with customers becoming smarter and consuming their news from a myriad of sources, and, of course, with budgets continuing to diminish, now more than ever, brands and organizations need a well-researched, insight driven PR strategy. A serious PR strategy created from an amalgamation of business and brand objectives, insights, and research, that culminates in agreed upon outcomes that are tangible and measurable, moves PR from a tactical media relations function to a business partner and trusted advisor role. Instead of a collection of scatter gun tactics that once seemed to fit the brief, your plan should contain only those that help move the business to where you want it to go: generating sales, shaping opinions, or creating change. This full-day interactive PR workshop will take attendees through a tried and tested 5-step process for developing an effective communications strategy. It is supported by many practical tools and templates that can be applied to delegates’ own communications strategies.

Kerry Savage

Kerry Savage as part of her work for the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and the Chartered Institute of Marketing in London. Her PR workshops have been attended by hundreds of marketing professionals keen to understand the vital role that PR plays in an integrated campaign. Delegates have included marketers from a range of international brands, including the BBC, Pfizer, Cadbury and HSBC.

━━━━ Learning Outcome

  • To equip attendees with the ability to deliver best practice, measurable PR strategies that have real commercial impact
  • To provide a deeper understanding of the role that PR and communications play in a brand’s reputation
  • To demonstrate how PR can be used to amplify existing marketing and advertising activity

━━━━ Session Highlights

  • Step-by-step guide to strategic planning s
  • Examples of best in class communications strategies
  • A suite of practical tools and techniques
  • Interactive exercises that allow attendees to move the techniques from theory into practice
  • The AMEC integrated framework for evaluation
  • Who should attend
  • Marketing and Brand Managers
  • Assistant Client Service Managers
  • Advertising/Media Managers
  • Client Service Managers
  • Creative Managers


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